/// Liquidation ,,, ( Chapter 11 Closed business item ),,,24 pictures submitted ///
 Sanyo VCC-HD4000 camera is a top-quality product that comes with 4 megapixels full HD network and a 10x AF zoom capacity. The camera is designed to give you the best picture and video quality that you need for your office or business. It is perfect for capturing moments and events that are important to you and your business. The Sanyo VCC-HD4000 camera is manufactured in China and is one of the most sought after cameras in the market. It is reliable, durable, and easy to use. This camera is perfect for use in other office settings, as well as for business and industrial purposes. The device is made by SANYO, a trusted and reputable brand in the industry. With its high-quality features and specifications, you can trust the Sanyo VCC-HD4000 camera to deliver the best results for your needs.
                                   For more info please check 24 submitted pictures 
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