Homemade Dog Shampoo

Fragrance Oil, Mica Powder, Purified Water, Olive Oil, Sodium Laurate (derived from coconut oil), Vegetable Glycerin, Coconut Oil.

Apply a small amount to the palm of your hand, massage into pups wet fur from ear to tail, avoiding the eye area. rinse. enjoy.

Due to the handmade nature of our products, color and label may vary slightly.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: None of the health topics and products sold and presented at Afryl's Crafting have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They should not replace personal judgment or medical treatment when indicated, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
Always talk to your physician about the use of my products.

Allergy Warning: Pet with skin sensitivities or allergies should first test the shampoo on a small spot of the skin and stop using it if any irritation occurs.