The base is hollow 

Approximate dimensions 

 L 36 cm x W 05 cm x H 09 cm

Add a touch of adventure to your aquarium with this 36cm submarine shipwreck ornament. The intricate design and vibrant colours make it a perfect addition to any fish tank. Made of polyresin, this ornament is durable and suitable for all water types. It features synthetic materials and a multicolour finish that enhance the beauty of your aquatic habitat. The Heritage brand ensures top quality and professionalism in every piece.

This 2-piece ornament is perfect for fish lovers who want to create a unique and beautiful environment for their pets. It is not just an ornament, but a piece of art that adds personality and charm to your aquarium. This product is new, and has not been modified, making it a perfect fit for those who value authenticity. Made in China, it meets the highest standards of quality and safety.