Extremely rare historical document on the history of Hungary with two rare wood engravings published in Paris in 1575 in the famous Cosmographia Universalis by Sebastian Münster.

Extraordinary document on the history of György Dórza in Hungary certainly one of the first texts and engravings published on this historical event.

On this page of the Cosmographia Universalis we find two woodcuts. Sheet size 29/21cm

Exceptional old document, slight water marks, good condition for a document that is almost 500 years old, see photos

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Source Wikipedia

The first encyclopedia in history, the Cosmographia Universalis, is one of the first descriptions of the world originally in German. Several editions were printed, including versions in Latin, in French (in 1552 – Basel edition, 1 vol. 3 – and in 1575 – Paris edition, 2 volumes 4), in Italian, English and even Czech. The last publication in German dates from 1628, more than 70 years after his death.

Münster's Cosmographia Universalis was one of the most widely read works of the 16th century and can probably be attributed to second place in terms of popularity after the Bible. This success was partly due to the excellent wood engravings, including some by Hans Holbein the Younger, Urs Graf, Hans Rudolph Manuel Deutsch and David Kandel. In total, more than 120 employees participated in this work. The work was at the time a reference in geography and history. There are numerous illustrations of lifestyles of the time, as well as double-page views of cities and numerous maps. These maps covered "new islands behind Spain as far as the East towards the land of the Indies" (America and the Asian continent).

The first encyclopedia in history, the Cosmographia Universalis, is one of the first descriptions of the world originally in German. Several editions were printed, including versions in Latin, in French (in 1552 – Basel edition, 1 vol. 3 – and in 1575 – Paris edition, 2 volumes 4), in Italian, English and even Czech. The last publication in German dates from 1628, more than 70 years after his death. Münster's Cosmographia Universalis was one of the most widely read works of the 16th century and can probably be attributed to second place in terms of popularity after the Bible. This success was partly due to the excellent wood engravings, including some by Hans Holbein the Younger, Urs Graf, Hans Rudolph Manuel Deutsch and David Kandel. In total, more than 120 employees participated in this