Selling one of my Matterport Pro2 Camera/Scanners to the right person.

I launched my virtual tour and real estate photography business last year, and the work done by this camera has paid for itself and another one.


  • 3 Infrared beams
  • 3 Lenses
  • Captures 4k Images

This camera has created phenomenal virtual tours (send me a text, and I'll share a portfolio).

The Infrared capability can also be used to create architectural 3D models and AutoCAD drawings. Easily generate floor plans with the push of a button. Scanning with up to 1% error margin.

Reason for selling: I already have another identical one and am exploring a different model for a new industry.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. This camera is a solid investment.

***I can let go of the Manfrotto Tripod worth well over $400