Black Pepper Live New Natural Plant Piper Nigrum Organic Rare Fresh 5 Cuttings

The fruit of this rare plant is used as a spice. A slow growing, woody perennial flowering vine that takes about four years to reach flowering and fruit size. Plants reach their maximum height at seven years and can bear fruit for up to 20 years. The pepper plant can grow up to 13 feet tall on supporting trees, poles or trellises. It is a spreading vine that roots easily where the trailing stems touch the ground. This plant grows naturally in tropical forests and the more you can mimic its native habitat, the more productive your pepper plant will be.

When growing peppers as a houseplant provide as much bright light as possible. Vines need the sun energy to produce flowers and fruit. In the greenhouse or outdoors, partial sun is sufficient for growth.

Pepper vines do not like to dry out. So water the plants when the soil surface feels dry.

Pepper plants need humus rich soil that retains moisture. The soil should have good drainage. Too much clay soil can cause root rot. Use a light potting mix amended with compost or leaf mold.

Pepper plants are light feeders. Flowering plants can be fertilized in the spring when growth begins to increase. Fertilize every two weeks throughout the summer. Stop feeding during the fall and winter months.

Temperature and humidity
Pepper plants require warm temperatures. Plants stop growing when temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Pepper is a plant that prefers a moist environment and appreciates regular misting.

Pepper vines do not need to be pruned. When growing in a small space you can prune plants to remove wilting leaves or to keep plants in the border.

This plant can be easily propagated by cuttings. Use a starter soil such as peat or sand mixed with vermiculite for planting cuttings. Gently push the cuttings into the rooting medium. Spray water to prevent over watering. It takes about two weeks for small roots to form. Transplant the root cuttings into a pot when they are about 2.5 cm.

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