Add a touch of humor to your vehicle with this white Oracal 651 vinyl decal/sticker featuring a lazy sloth. The self-adhesive material makes it easy to apply to a variety of surfaces, including bumpers, windows, and doors. Whether you have a motorcycle, van, car, caravan, or trailer, this universal fitment decal will add a glossy finish to your vehicle.Made in the United States, this graphic-themed decal is suitable for all vehicles and is perfect for those who love a good laugh. Don't miss out on the opportunity to receive free shipping and make your vehicle stand out with this unique decal.

*****Application instructions****

  • Clean Surface: Ensure the surface is clean and dry before application to promote adhesion.

  • Positioning: Carefully position the vinyl decal on the desired area, making sure it's centered and aligned.

  • Peel Off Backing: Gently peel off the backing paper, exposing the adhesive side of the decal.

  • Application: Apply the decal to the surface, starting from one side and smoothing it out as you go. Use a flat, firm tool (like a credit card) to eliminate air bubbles.

  • Smooth Out: Once applied, go over the decal again with the tool to ensure it adheres smoothly and securely.

  • Remove Transfer Tape: If your decal comes with transfer tape, carefully peel it off at a 45-degree angle, ensuring the vinyl stays on the surface.

  • Final Press: After removing the transfer tape, press down on the entire decal once more to ensure optimal adhesion.

  • Avoid Disturbing: Avoid washing or disturbing the decal for at least 24 hours to allow the adhesive to set properly.

Follow these simple instructions for a successful and long-lasting application of your vinyl decal.