ABO RhD Home Blood Group Type Test Testing Kit CE Marked
Discover your Blood Type in under 5 minutes
Best and Easy to using

Easy, Self-testing Blood Type Kit - Everything you need to discover your blood type

Test contents:


Methods of operation and determination of results

Step 1. Remove the test card from the carton before the experiment, if kept refrigerated, it must be equilibrated to room temperature, tear open the foil pouch to take out the test card and place it flat on the countertop.

Step 2. If the sample to be tested is kept refrigerated, it must be removed from the preservation condition and equilibrated to room temperature before performing the experiment.

Step 3. To collect finger-end blood, use a pipette to collect finger-end blood, and then use the disposable dropper provided in the kit to add the sample.

Step 4. Aspirate the sample to be tested with the dropper, in the S window, add 1 drop (about 10pul) of the sample to be tested in each well, and then in the D window, drop the sample washing fluid  separately, 3 drops in each well.
(In order not to affect the test results, individual testers please do it quickly without waiting for an interval.)

Step 5.    1 minute after adding the sample washing fluid , observe the results in the S window, the results observed after 30 minutes are invalid.




Blood Group Type Test A,B,O,AB positive and negative


It is essential for everyone to know their own blood group and that of their family members. There are many occasions when knowing your blood group could be important. For example, if you or a member of your family required an urgent blood transfusion it would be useful to know your blood group in advance. If it was an uncommon group it would allow the hospital valuable time to ensure adequate supplies.

If you travel overseas carrying a blood group card could prove invaluable. Accidents and other emergencies can often be dealt with more efficiently knowing the blood group of the person or persons involved.

How accurate is this test?

The test is accurate and will detect the common blood grouping system A,B,O,AB as shown in the chart below which covers the vast majority of the population. Unusual blood groups or rare sub-types will not be detected by this method. Further investigation by a blood transfusion laboratory will be necessary to identify such groups.

This blood test will determine which of the main 8 blood types you are. Once you have determined your blood type you will know which other blood you can accept and also who can accept yours.

For example in the chart below if your blood type is O- (negative) then you are known as the universal donor as all the standard blood types can receive your blood but you can only be given O- in a transfusion. On the other hand if you are AB+ (positive) then you are known as the universal recipient being able to receive any of the standard blood types but your blood can only be used in a transfusion by someone having the same blood type i.e AB+ (positive). The chart below shows all the combinations possible.
