Apothecary products Reconstitute is designed specifically for pharmacists by Apothecary's owner and is an efficient and clean way to dilute antibiotics. To allow for one-handed filling, simply squeeze the metal clamp to expel water and let go to automatically shut off. About our company: Founded in 1975 Apothecary Products is a global leader in consumer wellness products. We help improve the health and wellness of consumers through our retail product lines and further support them with innovative tools for pharmacists and the patients they serve. Our product innovations solve problems and work to improve wellness and health outcomes.
ONE-HANDED USE: Offers a smooth, one-handed operation when diluting an antibiotic
EASY TO USE: Faster and easier than a graduated cylinder
INCLUDES: Acrylic Tube, Metal Clamp, Siphon Hose
BUILT TO LAST: Quality design, Built to withstand repeated use
HEALTHY LIVING: Apothecary Products helps to solve problems and work to improve wellness and health outcomes