Unmatched companions, Yorkshire Terriers are friendly, intelligent, and full of life. That’s why Royal Canin created breed-specific formulas, like this one especially for your purebred Yorkshire Terrier, to help meet their unique nutrition needs. Royal Canin Yorkshire Terrier Adult Dry Dog Food is tailor-made nutrition created just for your Yorkie pure breed. This exclusive breed-specific diet is uniquely formulated for your small breed Yorkshire Terrier with specific nutrients to help small dogs thrive. The specialized kibble shape and texture are designed for your toy breed’s small jaw, making it easy for little dogs to pick up and chew. Biotin and omega-3 and -6 fatty acids help maintain healthy skin and coat. Targeted nutrients including vitamin C, EPA, and DHA help support your toy dog’s vitality. And the combination of this Yorkie dog food’s kibble shape and texture helps reduce tartar formation by encouraging your Yorkie to chew. With over 50 years of scientific research and observation, Royal Canin continues to deliver targeted nutrition to feed every dog’s magnificence. Not satisfied? Then neither are we. Our breed health formulas are 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Royal Canin's unique kibble shaped formula for dogs

Two grey and black Labrador Retrievers sitting together

Royal Canin offers a combination of wet & dry dog food that provides complete and balanced nutrition

Kibble designed with specific shape, size and texture for each dog's facial and jaw structures and biting patterns that affect the way they pick up kibble.

Each formula helps support that breed's specific needs, like the Labrador Retriever's optimal weight throughout his life.

Incorporating a combination of dry and wet food can benefit your dog.

Dry: Concentration of nutrients and texture provides brushing effect.

Wet: Moisture content can help support healthy hydration.