Shampoo Ginger Rhizomes Zingiber Zerumbet Awapuhi

Shampoo ginger lily or Zingiber Zerumbet is a perennial plant. It comes from the genus Zingiber, a large ginger in the Zingiberaceae family. The ginger shampoo plant is a plant belonging to the genus Zingiberales. Here the leafy stems grow to a height of about 1.2 meters. A distinctive feature of this plant is its beautiful red pinecone shaped flower that emits a sweet fragrance.


Shampoo ginger plants prefer partial shade to full shade. They thrive in filtered sunlight or dark shade throughout the day. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves. So protecting them from strong sunlight is essential.


Regular watering is necessary to maintain moist soil conditions. However, it is essential to avoid overwatering as excessive moisture can cause root rot. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out slightly before watering.


This plant prefers nutrient rich soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH range. If growing indoors use a standard indoor soil mix and supplement with perlite, vermiculite or orchid bark to ensure excess water drains well. To prevent waterlogging of the soil be sure to plant your shampoo ginger in a container with drainage holes.


These plants grow in warm and tropical climates. They like temperatures between 21-30 degrees Celsius. If growing in cooler areas grow shampoo ginger in containers that can be brought indoors during the colder months.


Apply a balanced, slow release fertilizer during the growing season. Fertilize the plant every 2-3 months to provide essential nutrients to the plant.


Pruning needs are minimal for shampoo ginger plants. You can remove damaged leaves or stems as needed. After flowering remove the blooms and prune the plants to improve their appearance.

Propagation of shampoo ginger plant

The most common method of propagating shampoo ginger is using rhizomes. Allow the rhizomes to dry and harden for a few days. After that, soak the roots in a container with water before planting. Plant in a new pot filled with an equal mixture of soil and compost. Keep the plant in a warm place with plenty of indirect light. Maintain a consistent watering and fertilizing schedule for your plant every week until the rhizomes begin to sprout.