Set of 28 Harvard Classics Collector’s Edition in like new condition

1. Collins to Fitzgerald

2. American Historical Documents

3. Bunyan Izaak Walton

4. Dana

5. Dante

6. Edmund Burke

7. Virgil

8. Marlowe Shakespeare

9. Bacon Milton Browne

10. Emerson

11. Thackeray Newman Ruskin Huxley Thoreau and Others

12. Goethe Marlowe

13. Franklin Woolman Penn

14. Chaucer to Gray

15. The thousand and one nights

16. Aeschylus Sophocles Buripides

17. Machiavelli more and Luther

18. Sacred Writings Confucian Hebrew Christian

19. Plato Epictetus Marcis Aurelius

20. Sacred Written Buddhist Hindu Mohammedan Christian

21. Addison Steele Swift Defoe Johnson and Others

22. Homer

23 Milton Poems

24. Aesop Grimm Andersen

25. Plutarch

26. Tennyson to Whitman

27. Famous Prefaces

28. Cervantes