100 Bucket List (5 Different Editions) Blue 15.7"W x 23.6"H

#100 Bucket List JUNIOR edition
Find interests and hobbies. Someone love gardening, someone likes making planes and someone likes to draw in their notebooks. This poster offers one hundred ideas to spark an interest in your child. For what? Let's see!
This poster will help your child
Find interests and hobbies. Someone love gardening, someone likes making planes and someone likes to draw in their notebooks. This poster offers one hundred ideas to spark an interest in your child. For what? Let's see!
Self Development. For the harmonious development of your child, there should be a healthy balance of studying, sports, recreation and creativity, as well as giving and receiving 8 hugs a day. The four categories of the poster help cope with the first part of the tasks, all that's let to you is hugging your child and showing that you care.
Develop new talents. #100 Bucket List Junior Edition? - is not only an exciting game, but also a test for future guidance. Observe what tasks your child prefers the most, and you will know in which direction to move forward.
Create a family support team. It's good when everyone in the family is busy with their own tasks, but it's even better when you accomplish tasks together! As everyone knows, spending time together to accomplish tasks - is best family team building technique.
Become independent. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you help your child, sometimes they have to do it on their own. The tasks in this poster are specially formulated to teach your child to search for solutions on their own and not be afraid to take responsibility for the end result.
Learn to dream. We know that children must be taught to read and write, add numbers and speak in English, but learning to dream? is one important tasks that we forget to teach our children. In fact, the inventors of the iPhone, Facebook that changed our world, all start from a dream.
Achieve goals. Nothing motivates better than a reward and the feeling of victory. Therefore, we came up with Grown-Up Agreement.? This is a small contract between you and your child. Sign it and you'll be surprised at how fast all the tasks have been completed.
Remember hundreds of amazing moments. We live in an age where cameras are everywhere, and this means that, along with the one hundred tasks you can take one hundred bright pictures! Do not miss this opportunity. You can't repeat childhood.
More inspiration. No geniuses, professors or academics can learn as fast as children do. One hundred new skills and personal achievement - it is the fuel, that helps your child move forward, it instills the habit of studying and striving to do better!
Remember a happy childhood. Each of us have a warm memories of our childhood. We tried to bring together the most important things to do as a child to guarantee a happy memories. To look back at this poster, and remember all your small achievements.
What's Inside
Scratch poster #100 BUCKET LIST Junior edition (60--40 cm);
Tube 45--7 cm (can be used as a time capsule for letters);
Blank agreement with parents Grown-Up Agreement?;
Blank Letter from childhood?;
Sticker to customize the poster;
A coin;
Instructions for use;
Stylish packaging with a surprise
# 100 BUCKET LIST Junior edition by Mot1ve.me is packed into a stylish tube that protects the poster from damage and solves the problem of gift wrapping.
Moreover, now you can put the tube to good use: it transforms into a capsule that will help you realize your dream.
Also the scratch poster #100 BUCKET LIST Junior edition can be ordered in a frame. The frame is packed in a stylish gift bag.