Here we have the Anniversary Edition reissue of the Roger Mayer Axis Fuzz. Designed For JImi Hendrix and used extensively in the later years of his life. Also used alot by Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine. Awesome one of a kind fuzz pedal. The best pedal for authentic Hendrix fuzz tones. Comes with Box. 

Available at Loveless Lofi Music & Art 116 Lake Ave Buffalo, NY 14219

Additional Info: 

The Axis Fuzz was developed in early 1967 to give an additional series of tone colours for Jimi Hendrix.
This Fuzz is named after it's most famous use on the title track of the album "Axis Bold as Love".
It can also be heard extensively on the "Band of Gypsies" and various other post 1968 recordings by Jimi.
It cleans us very well from the guitar volume control and retains its large range of tone colours.
Electronically the Axis uses a discrete circuit configuration that is completely unlike the simple and crude Fuzz Face configuration.
Both PNP and NPN silicon low noise transistors are used in an unique configuration that is temperature stable, free from radio interference and producing more output level and sustain than the Roger Mayer Classic Fuzz.
It produces a distinctive rich-biting sound that makes solos extremely noticeable but not thin sounding.