The most well-known unleavened flatbreads, known as paratha or roti canai, are from northern India and are delectable mainstays of South Asian breakfast traditions. The name "paratha" literally translates to "layers of cooked dough," and it is typically formed by slapping dough between wet palms. It is also recognized for having a more powerful flavor and a grainier texture. That is the best way to spell "freshy handmade"!, Excellent with chicken curry and dhal curry.

One paratha packet comes with 5 pieces.
> It is suitable for vegetarians.
> Prior to beginning cooking, it is best to keep in frozen format. Simply cook on a pan and slap between two moistened palms. Easy process.

Cooking Instructions
1. Remove a packet of Paratha from freezer. (Do not defrost as this may make dough too sticky)
2. Peel one side of the plastic layering from the Paratha and place the uncovered side on a preheated pan, remove the second       
    piece of plastic layering and pan fry for 1-1½ minutes.

3. Press the Paratha gently and turn it over. Pan fry for 1-1½ minutes again, until both sides are golden brown.
4. When both sides are ready, remove the Paratha from the pan. Using both hands or two spatulas, clap the paratha to make it fluffy
    before serving.

Cheers to your paratha !