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Original 13 Aug 1921 
One-of-a-Kind (OOAK) Type-1
"Red Lemonade" Reception Train Locomotive 
ST LOUIS STAR Press Photo 
featured in the newspaper announcing the event
taken by notable photographer, Robert Froelich, Sr.

(Red lemonade is associated with festive occasions.)

Caption under published photo: In this group of men and women who went on the "Red Lemonade" special to shower the St. Louis spirit on Sedalia and the thousands at the annual fair were members of the Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber, Rotary and Kiwanis clubs and Mayor Kiel and Senator Spencer, who contributed the dignity of their respective public offices to the occasion.

This photo was originally spot-glued into the photographer's original portfolio scrapbook. Remnants of the black paper are still attached to the back of the photo.

Only the digital scans of these original photos have been watermarked for this listing to protect the interest of the buyer. The actual prints do not have watermarks.

History of Event:

Missouri Centennial Exposition and State Fair Sedalia, Missouri, August 8-20, 1921 
The twenty-first Missouri State Fair marked the centennial anniversary of Missouri's statehood, and fittingly, the Fair's coming of age. The 1921 Missouri Centennial Exposition and State Fair was a two-week extravaganza. Fair organizers surveyed the state for suggestions for old time songs and games. Special editions of the monthly publication 'Fair Facts' were produced, offering suggestions for celebrating the centennial throughout the year and advertising the special features of the Fair. Former Governors and their descendants were honored. An invitation was issued for former Missourians to return home for the Fair. Prizes were offered for those who traveled farthest. For the Fair's climax, a 5,000 member-cast pageant was produced to commemorate the event. 

1921 Press Announcement: 

Missouri Centennial Celebration
On August 10, 1821, President Monroe issued his proclamation that the admission of Missouri "into the Union is declared to be complete."

Missouri is going to have a state-wide Centennial Celebration worthy of the name. With the signing of the Centennial Exposition bill by Governor Hyde, and the appointment of a Commission of twenty-one members to supervise the Exposition, the machinery has been officially set in motion. The bill passed by the Fifty-First Assembly carries and appropriation of $150,000 to defray the expenses of the Celebration. The dates will be August 8-20, 1921. The State Fair Grounds at Sedalia were chosen as the site. 

The Centennial Exposition will showcase the accomplishments, resources and possibilities of Missouri, reviewing the history and achievements of the past and future possibilities. Plans for a stupendous program are already underway. Governor Arthur M. Hyde was elected President of the Centennial Commission at the first meeting of the body held in Jefferson City, April 21. Lieutenant-Governor Hiram Lloyd was elected Vice-President, and appointed by Governor Hyde as chairman of an executive committee of seven members which will have direct charge of the Exposition, acting for the commission as a whole. A stupendous program is planned for Centennial Week, August 8-13. A pageant, to be called ‘The Pageant of Missouri,’ will be produced and given nightly on an open-air stage in front of the amphitheater. Historical relics and museum collections will be assembled from all parts of the State, and placed on exhibition in one of the principal buildings. A big feature of the Centennial will be the Homecoming of former Missourians. Plans for this event have been made by the Sedalia Chamber of Commerce, which has raised $25,000 for publicity purposes, and undertaken to invite Missourians everywhere to ‘come home’ for the Centennial. The Sedalia Chamber of Commerce has also undertaken the task of adequately housing and feeding the Centennial crowds. This will be no small task, if the experience of the Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and Maine Centennials is any guide. The crowds will come in thousands; and to house them Sedalians will throw open every private residence in the city, enlarge present hotel and restaurant facilities, install cots in schools and public buildings, and outfit a free camp ground to accommodate 20,000 people. Wednesday, August 10, will be one of the big days of the Celebration. President Harding has been invited to attend on that date; and invitations will be sent to other high government officials and the governors of other states. 

Photographer Bio:

Russell Froelich, Sr. (1890–1958) was a pioneer of both early aviation and aerial photography who took thousands of lasting images of the St. Louis region for the city’s newspaper outlets from 1911 to the 1950s, helped the war effort in WWI with aerial mapping, was a color photography innovator and even invented a monoplane.

American entry into WWI led Froelich to put his talents and skills to wartime use. He began taking aerial photographs from wing-mounted cameras that he improvised to fit given situations and flight conditions, helping the US Army Signal Corps develop terrain maps of Europe.

After the War, Froelich worked as a beat photographer for St. Louis newspapers, including the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, and the St. Louis Star. He eventually managed the photography team which gave him access to a wide range of subject matter and the ability to experiment with action photography and the evolution of color techniques