Ceylon Coffee Arabica 200+ Dried Seeds Tropical Exotic Bean Plant Tree Shrub Rare

You can use these seeds for planting or you can make natural pure coffee as you own. if you make coffee powder remove the bark and fry the seeds in oven and grind. 

Then you can take coffee powder for real Ceylon coffee drink.

All the seeds collected from my garden and whole sales also accepted.



Coffee trees are pruned short to conserve their energy and aid in harvesting, but can grow to more than 30 feet (9 meters) high. Each tree is covered with green, waxy leaves growing opposite each other in pairs. Coffee cherries grow along the branches. Because it grows in a continuous cycle, it’s not unusual to see flowers, green fruit and ripe fruit simultaneously on a single tree. It takes nearly a year for a cherry to mature after first flowering, and about 5 years of growth to reach full fruit production. The trees grow best in rich soil, with mild temperatures, frequent rain and shaded sun.

Soil and climatic needs

Soil :

It's better to have soil pH levels in between 5 to 6.5. If the soil is highly acidic, Dolomite application is recommended. Well drained Latosolic soil is suitable for Arabica coffee. Robusta coffee can be grown in a large variation of soils.


Frequent high winds are not suitable for coffee. If coffee is grown in areas with high wind, cultivation should be covered with wind barriers.

Crop Establishment:

Seed propagation and vegetative propagation by cuttings can be practiced. But seed propagation is easy and profitable.

If seed propagation is practiced, mature ripened berries should be taken from pest and disease free mother plants. Percarp should be removed carefully and the flesh around the seeds should be removed by rubbing with saw dust. Seeds are planted on wet sand beds with 0.5cm spacing between seeds and 2.5cm spacing between seed rows. Then seeds are covered with a 5cm thick hay layer. It takes around 45 days for seed germination. When they become button stage seedlings are transferred to 12.5cm X 20cm polythene bags filled with the equal amounts of topsoil, sand, coir dust and compost.

Field planting

Spacing: Arabica 1.8m X 1.8m (3000 plants/ha)

Robusta 2.5m X 2.5m single stem of double stem (1600 plants/ha)

3m X 3m Multiple stem (1150 plants/ ha)

Planting pits should be 45X45X45cm in fertile soil. While it should be 60X60X60 cm in low fertile soil. Before field planting the pit should be filled with 25 kg of cow-dung or compost mixed with 100g of Rock Phosphate.

After field planting mulching is important to protect plants from drying.

Crop management:

Weeding is important around plants. A ground cover is also recommended with Calapagonia or Sthylosanthus.


Coffee can be grown with or without shade. Shade level depends on elevation, soil moisture, rainfall pattern and coffee variety. Glicidia, Erythrina, Albesia can be used as shade trees with spacing of 12 X12m or 14X14m. establishment of shade trees should be done 6 to 12 month in advance.

Banana cultivation is a good alternative to provide temporary shade for coffee.


For Robusta coffee, maintaining two stems per plant is more suitable than having a single stem or multiple stem. Coffee should be maintained at a height lower than 2m.

collar pruning is recommended for all coffee cultivations since it is a sudden stress to the plant and should be done in the middle of the rainy season. Pruning is done 15to20 cm above the ground level 45 angle. Fungicide or Lacquer should be applied on the cutting surface.



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