2. The motor needs to be connected to the complimentary rectifier bridge in order to use 220V AC, remember to use 220V AC directly! If you buy a set with speed governor, the motor and speed governor connected to it, no need to connect the rectifier bridge; motor is a carbon brush motor, speed no-load about 7000 rpm, error 5-8%. Can be forward and reverse, you can adjust the speed, adjust the lower, the power will follow the decline. (Need to buy their own forward and reverse switch and speed regulator.)

3. This 350W motor internal cooling fan has been added, can run for a long time (according to the size of the load control within 1-2 hours)!

4. B12 chuck is three gulls, the factory has 25 silk error, demanding buyers please buy ER clip directly;;

5. The set in this connection because there is no synchronous wheel deceleration, so it can not be compared with the market table drill with reduction gear Oh.

6. If you want to drill large holes, or to metal drilling, you need to use the powerless spindle to modify; can not be used directly, burned out is not responsible for.

Special note: Only the 680W motor is two-sided inside this connection; the 350W is one-sided, not bilateral, so please be sure to pay attention.

Problems arising from the use of speed governor:

1, motor power, power will decline with the speed of decline;

2, the individual motor will have jitter, it is recommended to add a filter capacitor, will be better. But will not completely eliminate;

3, if you want to reduce the speed, and do not want to reduce the power, you can use the synchronous wheel, synchronous belt solution; but the output of such only a fixed speed;

4, you can also use synchronous pulley and speed governor at the same time to slow down; positive and negative speed governor use precautions: must be from positive - stop - reverse; never, never directly from positive - reverse. This will burn out the motor; very dangerous!

5, connected, must be sealed with insulating tape, and then energized. Prevent the motor or other accessories from burning due to short circuit.