The Franchise Paradox : New Directions, Different Strategies.

von Price, Stuart:

Price, Stuart:
Verlag / Jahr
London : Cassell, 1997.
Format / Einband
24 cm , Softcover / Paperback, XXV, 614 S. : graph. Darst., illustrations,
ca. 1250 g
Zustand: geringe Gebrauchs- u. Lagerspuren, sehr gutes Exemplar. Text / Sprsche: Englisch , Literaturverz. S. [547] - 599 , Part 1 Issues concerning the birth and diffusion of franchising: franchising the commercialization of "bastard" feudalism; to franchise or not to franchise; evaluating the decision to franchise; strategic groups, mult-market contact and the decision to franchise; to franchise or not to franchise? - a careers approach to franchise purchase decisions. Part 2 Innovation - the route to sustainable competitive advantage and survival?: types and sources of innovation in franchising; influences on sharing innovations in the franchising dyad - the roles of power and culture. Part 3 Issues concerning franchise withdrawal rates and death: behind the veneer of success; franchisee financial performance. Final comments: towards an anthropology of the franchise relationship. Franchising offers companies an alternative way to expand their business. It permeates virtually every service industry: fast food; car rental; one hour photo shops; milk delivery; and so on. With particular reference to the hospitality and catering industry, this volume explores the facts and myths behind the franchising phenomenon, and asks whether it is, as many claim, a guaranteed route to business success. If standardization and conformity are the lynchpins of franchising success, can they not also stifle future development? Franchising - innovation or bastard feudalism?; to franchise or not to franchise? - the role of strategic choice: evaluating the decision to franchise; strategic groups, multi-market contact, and the decision to franchise; a careeers approach to franchise purchase decisions; types and sources of innovation in franchising; influences on sharing innovations in the franchise dyad; behind the veneer of success; franchisee financial performance; towards an anthropology of the franchise relationship. 15588A ISBN 0304704687
Stuart Price , The Franchise Paradox , New Directions, Different Strategies, Business, Karriere, Geld, Industriezweige, Berufe, Tourismus, Gastronomie, Freies Unternehmertum
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The Franchise Paradox : New Directions, Different Strategies.

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