Hawke Vantage 2-7×32 AO Mil Dot Rifle Scope - 14111

Return Policy:

Free Returns are for new, unopened, unused items. Items that are opened and used in any way and are not defective will be given a refund minus up to 50% of the original purchase price depending on the condition of the item.

Any item(s) for return to JMstore must be in the original, unopened condition (factory seals cannot be broken, factory shrink wrap cannot be removed, etc.) that the item was shipped to you in.

All returns are for a refund only. We do not allow exchanges because eBay cannot process exchanges in the typical retail fashion.

All eBay returns have to go through the eBay returns system. To open a return, go to your Purchase history in eBay and select "More actions" on the item you wish to return. Then select "Return this item" from the drop-down menu. You will then need to select a reason for your return. Please be advised, any buyer found abusing the returns process will be reported to eBay and will be blocked from purchasing from JMstore in the future.

For returns regarding defective items, some manufacturers will not allow dealers to give refunds for defective items. We recommend if you have a problem with the item you purchased from us to contact the customer service department for that manufacturer first. In many cases, they can resolve the issue over the phone. They may even require you to send the item directly to them for replacement.