Swatch Juicy Dance Green Blue Stripe Quartz Watch


You are bidding on a Preowned 100% Authentic Swatch Juicy Dance Green Blue Stripe Quartz Watch. The watch has clear transparent case. It has a silver dial with blue dot markers. There is a green and blue stripe running vertically down the middle. The hour and minute-hand indicators are silver. The “Swatch” insignia is located at the 9 o’clock position. The watch measure 24mm in diameter, not including the crown. The battery has been replaced and the watch runs, keeps accurate time, and all the functions work properly. Cosmetically, the watch is in great condition. The stainless-steel bracelet has a green, blue and baby blue stripe running down the middle. It is in great condition and should fit a 7” inch wrist. Guaranteed to be authentic! Bid with confidence! Thank you.