Jasminum Grandiflorum Fresh Natural Cuttings Vine Plant Fragrant White Flower

If you are looking to add diversity to your garden Jasminum Grandiflorum is the best choice. Like all jasmine plants the showy flowers of Jasminum Grandiflorum produce a pleasant and distinctive fragrance. This plant is grown as an ornamental plant in warm climates. This beautiful flowering plant is widely cultivated for its decorative uses. It's not the thickest or largest shrub. But it makes a great plant for a spot near your window.

If the ground does not freeze in winter you can keep the plant outdoors. It should be placed in partial sun and surrounded by low growing plants. When grown indoors as a potted plant this jasmine needs plenty of natural sunlight. If possible place it near a south facing window.

Be sure to water the plant frequently throughout the growing season. In the fall, start scaling back the water. In winter, water the plant usually every few weeks. The root system of this plant prefers slightly dry soil. It does not grow well in moist soil. Especially if grown as a houseplant. The soil should be allowed to dry between waterings. Too much or too little moisture can cause delicate petals and flowers to turn yellow or brown.

Well drained soil with a neutral pH is best. If the soil lacks nutrients and organic matter, it should be amended with a 5 cm layer of compost. If planting in a container, the potting mix should contain equal parts potting soil, peat moss and sand.

It is important to fertilize during the spring and summer growing season. But avoid fertilizing in winter. Like most plants, they do not need extra nutrients during the colder months.

A mildly warm, humid climate is best. Best with a temperature between 15 and 25. After the first flowering, low temperatures can be tolerated. However, the temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius. For Spanish jasmine planted indoors, keeping the temperature within these limits will help flowers bloom early in the spring.

After flowering, prune the plant back gently to conserve energy for new growth and give new growth time to mature for the following year. Remove weak or damaged branches and stems.

Jasminum Grandiflorum is a shrub with long, vining stems and branches that twist and turn like vines. This plant can be propagated by cuttings. Plant the cuttings in moist soil in a container. Cover the jar with a polythene bag and keep it in a shady place. New roots will emerge in a few weeks. Planting it in a location that enjoys more sunlight and moist soil will ensure better flowering.

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