It All Began With Nine Mechanics ... : Sacmi, Eighty years of growth and development.

von Bassani, Aureliano:

Bassani, Aureliano:
Verlag / Jahr
Imola : Editrice La mandragora, 2000.
Format / Einband
29 cm, gebundene Ausgabe, Hardcover mit Original-SchutzUmschlag, 262 p. : ill., mit zahlr. teils farbigen Abbildungen / Fotos,
ca. 1550 g
Zustand: geringe Lagerspuren, sehr gutes Exemplar. Text / Sprache: Englisch , It all began with nine Mechanics ... : Sacmi, Eighty years of growth and development / Aureliano Bassani , Our story... I t seems that now is a good time to look back on the history of Sacmi. In fact the idea to write this book had been in the minds of many members of the company for quite a while but time flew by, decisions were put off for another day and before we knew it years had passed by. Now we are approaching the year 2000 and the twentieth century is about to close - it would seem an appropriate time to write. Sacmi has played an important role this century, not just in Imola, and for this reason we wanted to relate the events which have marked the formation and development of the Cooperative. We decided to give this job to Aureliano Bassani who remembers the events himself and is a talented writer well-qualified to recount the eighty years of life of the company. Sacmi was formed in 1919 - a difficult and turbulent year in the immediate aftermath of the First World War. The main problem at that time was unemployment - the difficulty of finding work for those returning from the war who were marginalised from an industrial sector already in crisis. However, the nine mechanics and smiths who clubbed together under the guidance of Romeo Galli and Giulio Miceti aimed to do more than just support themselves and their families. Their idea was to build up a business in the mechanical industry and - as stated in the original company statute - "to set up one or more workshops to repair, buy and manufacture machines...". At first the company's business activities were restricted by the dictatorship in power at that time which spared no violence and threats towards the members. This situation continued for over twenty years but the company survived. During the Thirties, when the effects of the Great Depression in America had repercussions on manufacturing and the economy all over the world, Sacmi produced its first machine under its own trademark: a cleaning machine for oranges. It was, however, after the Second World War that Sacmi discovered the product that was to mark out its future. The Cooperativa Ceramica di Imola, one of the companies worst hit by air raids during the war, needed to start work manufacturing tiles again but their machines were damaged. Sacmi's mechanics repaired the presses (incorrectly referred to as printing machines at the time) and, shortly afterwards, began to manufacture real presses designed to form tiles. Step by step, Sacmi increased production until it was manufacturing all machines (including kilns) required by the ceramics industry for the production of tiles. The integrated range of machines and equipment they produced became known as a "turnkey plant". Today, Sacmi covers all the needs of the ceramics industry and is an international market leader .... 12671 ISBN 8886123973
Aureliano Bassani, It All Began With Nine Mechanics, Sacmi, Eighty years of growth and development
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It All Began With Nine Mechanics ... : Sacmi, Eighty years of growth and development.

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