This Hitachi World Space Digital Receiver Radio is a fantastic addition to any collection. It features a sleek grey design and was manufactured in Japan. The radio is a transistor type and is perfect for those who enjoy listening to radio stations from around the world. It is a great piece for enthusiasts of radio collectables and has not been modified in any way.

The radio is from the 1990s and is in good working order. It has been well maintained and is in great condition. With its various parts, including transistors, it is sure to impress any collector. This radio is a must-have for those who appreciate unique and functional electronics.

Is fully working

Comes with original box and packaging

Instruction manual

Power lead

All cables

Has a headphone socket

There is a few marks please see all photos

On 2 of the buttons the grey colour has come off

If you have any questions please message me through eBay