Note: Many of my Freemasonry clients are Craft members, scholars and historians seeking specific information related to their research. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Subject Matter Featured in this Work (General/Partial Only, Please See Full Contents in Main Description Below): Illustrated History of Freemasonry Moses Redding Mason Masonic Fraternity Free Accepted Masons Ancient Secret Society Knights Templar Crusades Gustave Dore Mysteries Egypt Greece Syria Rome Initiation Ritual Judgment of the Dead Temple Labyrinth Images Figures Symbols Astronomical Mechanical Architecture Builders Art Pyramids Obelisk Karnak Ruins Egyptian Houses Greek Roman Byzantine Romanesque Saracen Guilds Guildic King Solomon’s Temple Cedars of Lebanon Stone Quarry Master Workmen Destruction Tyre Hiram Hirams Colleges of Builders Lodges Officers Practices Engineering Masonry Public Edifices Bridges Military Works Roman Army Gaul Germany Britain Art Ethics Germany Forts Canals Zuider Dee Salzburg Ratisbon Augsburg Strasburg Basle Baden Cologne Compagnons Caesar’s Army Caractacus Queen Boadicea London Exeter Dover Chester Ancient Masonic Documents York England First General Assembly Scotland Perth Scoon Aberdeen Scotch Craftsmen Masonic Seal Robert Burns Europe Asia Africa Egypt Greece Turkey Persia Bombay Calcutta Australia China Japan United States First Lodges Grand Lodges Crown Point American Revolution Indians George Washington Morristown New Jersey General Lafayette South America West India Islands Mason Marks Ancient Builders Royal Arch Degrees Captivity Citadel Tomb of Cyrus Ecbatana A. and A. Scottish Rite Thirty-Three 33 Degrees Cerneau Bodies Knights of Chivalry Crusades Peter the Hermit Turks Asia Minor Knights Templars Hospitalers Mohammedans Muslims Islam Bloody Battles Pope King of France De Molay Executions Modern Knights Templary Encampments Mystic Shrine Mecca Temple Grand Mystery Four Crowned Martyrs Tomb of Adoniram Saguntum King Canute Cowan Kitt’s Cotti House Baghdad Allahabad Ancient Mexico Ancient Ladder of Three Rounds Lion’s Paw Azoph Hypostyle Hall Rameseum Columns Pompeii Mosque Diarbeker Great Mashita Palace Great Mosque Constantinople St. Sophia St. Mark’s Cathedral Venice Sulemanie Mosque Alhambra Cathedrals Joppa Mosque of Omar Hiram King of Tyre Jupitar Stator Rome Appian Way Catacombs Danube St. Goar Trent Oberwessel Hildesheim Worms Mayence Rostock Nuremberg Nismes Druids Canterbury Cathedral Tower of London Chichester London Melrose Abbey Holyrood Abbey Arbroath Amsterdam Montalbans Tower Three Globes Berlin The Inquisition Barcelona Torture St. John’s Hall New York City Tontine Tavern Philadelphia Boston Cincinnati Denver Mexico Malta Chichen Itza Yucatan Manco Capac Peru

THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF FREE MASONRY. An Authentic History of the Institution from Its Origin to the Present Time. Traced from the Secret Societies of Antiquity to King Solomon’s Temple at Jerusalem, thence through the Roman Colleges of Builders, Travelling Bands of Masons and the Guilds to Free Masonry. Two Volumes In One. By Moses W. Redding. Published in 1892 by Redding & Co., New York. Oversized 11.5” x 9” leather binding. “Embellished with over 100 Fine Engravings, 79 of which are Full-Page Plates.” 721 pages.

Condition: VERY GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION. This rare antique volume has been expertly restored by a professional book conservator. New morocco leather spine, reinforced binding, new inner hinges. The text is clean and complete. No torn, loose or missing pages. Owner's name on title page. A great example of this very, very rare 131-year-old Masonic title.






This is a VERY rare 1892 First Edition history of Freemasonry written by one of the fraternity’s most famous scribes, Moses W. Redding. Redding also penned renowned Masonic texts such as Masonic Antiquities of the Orient Unveiled and Masonic Architecture.

In THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF FREE MASONRY, Redding traces the evolution of Freemasonry, from the ancient secret societies of Egypt, Greece, Syria and Rome, to the rise of colleges of Builders and Guilds which spread throughout Europe on the heels of the Roman conquest erecting the world’s greatest examples of architecture and whose successors eventually became known as Freemasons. He chronicles the emergence of Freemasonry in the British Isles and traces its introduction into North and South America.

This large, handsome volume appears to be a de luxe edition. It has a brick-colored variant binding with a gilt motif on the front says FIAT LUX, or "Let There Be Light," a phrase Masons hear proclaimed three times on the journey from the Neutral World to the High and Sublime Degree. A phrase professing that the acquisition of light, or wisdom, is the noblest pursuit in which a man can engage.

This rare First Edition of THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY features “more than 100 fine engravings, 70 of which are full-page plates" -- and, unlike other editions of this work, eight of the plates are colored.

To give you a better idea of the riches this rare antique book has to offer, I have provided some helpful details below, starting with a thorough summary of the Contents. Further down the page, you can also see some of the magnificent engravings which adorn its pages, including the special color plates.

This is a very special volume in need of a curator. I hope you will take a few moments to have a look.



CHAPTER ONE ~ ANCIENT SECRET SOCIETIES AND MYSTERIES: The Secret Societies of Egypt, Greece, Syria and Rome * Origin of Initiation * Thrilling Scenes through which the Candidate passed in the Ancient Mysteries * The Ritual, and Judgment of the Dead * Description of a Temple Devoted to the Mysteries * The Wonderful Labyrinth

CHAPTER TWO ~ IMAGES, FIGURES, SYMBOLS: Origin of Masonic Symbols, Astronomical and Mechanical * Their Original Signification

CHAPTER THREE ~ ARCHITECTURE, MASONRY: Origin of the Builders’ Art in Egypt * Origin of the Pyramids and Obelisk * Their original purpose * Remarkable Revelations from the Interior of the Pyramids * The Magnificent Temple at Karnak * Its Ruins * Ancient Egyptian Houses * Course of Architecture from Egypt * Origins of the Different Styles * Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque, Saracenic, Etc * Progress of Architecture under the Colleges of Builders and the Guilds * Guildic Masonry

CHAPTER FOUR ~ KING SOLOMON’S TEMPLE: The Building of this Remarkable Edifice * Preparing the Timber in the Forests of Lebanon * Cutting the Stone in the Great Subterranean Quarry * Secret Meetings of the Master Workmen * Completion and Dedication of the Temple * Its Destruction and Commencement of the Captivity * Ancient Tyre, Home of the Two Hirams

CHAPTER FIVE ~ THE COLLEGES OF BUILDERS: Their Lodges, Officers and Practices Closely analogous to those of Free Masons * They carry on most of the Architecture, Engineering and Masonry of their Time * Build Splendid Public Edifices, Bridges and Military Works * From Rome, the Colleges accompany the Roman armies into Gaul, Germany and Britain, where they disseminate their Arts and Ethics * Singular remains of their Structures in those Countries

CHAPTER SIX ~ GERMANY AND VICINITY: The Romans invade Germany but meet with a Stubborn Resistance, which Gave the Colleges of Builders Plenty of Occupation in Building Bridges, Forts, and Entrenched Camps * B.C. 10 they cut a Canal through, between the Rhine and Issel, which opened a passage to the Zuider Zee * Fighting Step by Step, the Romans so far Established Themselves in A.D. 100 that not only Markets, but Towns had Sprung Up in Various Places, and by 225, Manufactories, Temples, and Theatres were becoming Numerous * Salzburg, Ratisbon, Augsburg, Strasburg, Basle, Baden, Cologne and other Noted Cities were Founded * All under the Supervision of the Colleges of Builders, whose Arts and Creed were so well appreciated by the more neetmok Intelligent Natives, that they Eagerly Sought Initiation into this Roman Society, and thus its Arts and Creeds were Perpetuated Here under the Name of Guilds

CHAPTER SEVEN ~ THE COLLEGES IN GAUL, FRANCE: With the Roman Armies of Invasion, they enter Gaul * Construct the Military Works and Bridges * Build Vessels, Villages, Edifices, etc * Ultimately known as Compagnons * Guilds, with Practices and Traditions very similar to Ancient Masonry

CHAPTER EIGHT ~ ADVENT OF THE COLLEGES IN BRITAIN: They enter the Country with Caesar’s Army of Invasion, 55 B.C. * The Natives make a Determined Resistance * Bloody Battles are Fought * Fate of the Brave Caractacus, and of Queen Boadicea and her Beautiful Daughters * Military Camps are Constructed in different Places * Under the supervision of the Colleges, towns grow up around or near these Camps * Cities are Founded, notably London, Exeter, Dover, Chester * After an Occupation of the Country for over 400 years, the Romans leave it, but everywhere leave the strong Impress of Civilization, principally through the Operation of the Colleges * Many members of the Latter remain and Continue their Organizations, which were Subsequently known as Guilds , and Lastly as Free Masons * Remarkable remains of Roman Structures in Many Places * 1717, Free Masonry as it had Existed for Centuries, is now Freed from its Operative Domination, and its Doors are Thrown Open to Good and True Men, without Regard to Occupation or Religion * Singular Ancient Masonic Documents


CHAPTER NINE ~ ANCIENT YORK, ENGLAND: This was the Chief Town of One of the Native Tribes when the Romans landed in Britain * It was remodeled by the College of Builders * Several Roman Emperors Resided here while Visiting the Island * The First English Parliament was Held in this City * King Edwin resided near Here * Scene of the First General Assembly of Masons ever held * A Conspicuous Place in Masonic History since the Tenth Century

CHAPTER TEN ~ SCOTLAND – EARLY HISTORY: Free Masonry makes its appearance in this Country in the Fourteenth Century * Quaint and Highly Interesting Documents of the Old Lodges at Perth, Scoon and Aberdeen * Old Documents in which the Novel Ideas of the Ancient Scotch Craftsmen are Expressed in the Rich Dialect of that Period * A Singular Ancient Masonic Seal * Robert Burns Master of a Lodge * A Masonic Relic Left by Him

CHAPTER ELEVEN ~ RAPID SPREAD OF FREE MASONRY: Its introduction into the Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa * Free Masonry in Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Persia, Bombay, Calcutta, Australia, China, Japan, Etc

CHAPTER TWELVE ~ INTRODUCTION OF FREE MASONRY INTO NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA AND ADJACENT ISLANDS: The First Lodges in the United States * The First Lodges and Grand Lodges in all the Different States and Territories * Primitive Proceedings in Early Lodges * Remarkable Masonic and Social Career of a Prominent Mason * He builds a castle and marries an Indian Girl * Destruction of his Castle by the Indians * Doherty's description * Establishment of a Lodge at Crown Point in the Stirring Days of the Revolution * A Mason bound to the Stake to be Burnt by the Indians but is Saved by Making the Sign of Distress * Original and Highly Interesting Records of Various Old Lodges * Washington’s Headquarters at Morristown, New Jersey, in the Winters of 1777 and 1779 * A Lodge opened there in Which General Lafayette was Initiated * Establishment of Lodges and Grand Lodges in the Countries of South America and the West India Islands * Statistics of Free Masonry throughout the World

CHAPTER THIRTEEN ~ THE MARKS OF THE ANCIENT BUILDERS: Marks used at the Building of King Solomon’s Temple * Marks found at Tyre and Sidon * Marks found in the Crypts of Old Churches and Cathedrals in Various Parts of Europe

CHAPTER FOURTEEN ~ ROYAL ARCH MASONRY – ITS ORIGIN, ETC.: Origin of the Royal Arch Degrees * The Captivity * The Vaults Discovered under the Site of King Solomon’s Temple * Remains of the Citadel and Tomb of Cyrus, King of Persia, at Ecbatana * Establishment of the First Royal Arch Chapters in the United States * Statistics of that Body in 1891

CHAPTER FIFTEEN ~ THE A. AND A. SCOTTISH RITE, 33 DEGREES: Origin of this Rite * Its Development and Rapid Spread in the East and West * Its Advent in the West Indies and the United States * Formation of the Different Bodies Representing the A. and A. Rite in this Country * The Southern Jurisdiction * Northern Jurisdiction * Cerneau Bodies

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ~ THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS: Origin of this Ancient Order * The Knights of Chivalry * Origin of the Crusades * Peter the Hermit and his Hosts set out for Jerusalem * Are nearly annihilated by the Turks in Asia Minor * Subsequent Crusades * The Knights Templars and Knights Hospitalers, their Desperate Valor, and Wonderful Career of Over Two Hundred Years * They defeat the Mohammedans in many Bloody Battles * Finally overwhelmed by numbers and afterward robbed and suppressed by the Pope and King of France * De Molay and Two Hundred Knights Put to Death * Suppressed but still Undaunted, they maintain their Organization in Different Countries * Ultimately they unite with the Free Masons and Hospitalers and thus give rise to Modern Knights Templary * Establishment of the First Encampments in North America * Grandeur of the Organization * Statistics in 1890-91

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ~ THE MYSTIC SHRINE: Reported Origin and History of the New Organization * Institution of Mecca Temple in New York * Establishment of Other Temples * Growth of the Order in America * List of Temples Existing at the End of the Year 1893

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ~ MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS CONNECTED WITH THE HISTORY OF FREE MASONRY: Unique Old Documents * The Grand Mystery of the Free Masons as Revealed by an Outsider in 1725 * Examination of Craftsmen in Olden Times * Dr. Plott’s account of the Free Masons * The Four Crowned Martyrs * Tomb of Adoniram in Saguntum * Concerning King Canute, the Dane * The Punishment of a Cowan in the 15th Century * Kitt’s Cotti House, its symbolic signification * Bagdad, a singular old city built by the Masonic Craftsmen * Allahabad, Masonic marks on its ancient walls * Satirical lecture given to a Young Craftsman in 1350 * Ancient Mexico, its Mysteries * Masonic Symbols found on the Ruins of its Old Temples * Ancient Peru, its hieroglyphics * Masonry among the Aborigines of North America

ILLUSTRATIONS ~ VOLUME I: An Ancient Hall of Ceremonies – Preparing for the Initiation * Graphic Initiation Scene * The Third Degree – Death and Resurrection * Karnak, its Splendid Ruins * The First Great Obelisk * Judgment of the Dead * Apron worn by Egyptian Kings * The Ancient Ladder of Three Rounds * The Lion’s Paw * Ancient Symbolism, Azoph * Monuments and Pyramids, showing how the Latter were Built * The Temple at Karnak, its Magnificent Hypostyle Hall * Ancient Egyptian Houses * The Rameseum * Columns of the Different Orders of Architecture * A view in Pompeii, and the Mosque at Diarbeker * Ruins of the Great Mashita Palace * The Great Mosque at Constantinople, St. Sophia * Interior of St. Sophia * St. Mark’s Cathedral, Venice * The Sulemanie Mosque * The Alhambra * Beautiful interiors of English Cathedrals * The Great Cathedrals, Cologne and Ratisbon * Dwellings of the Different Ancient Peoples * Old Irish Architecture * Getting out the Cedar Timber in the Forests of Lebanon * The Great Subterranean Quarry – Cutting Stone for the Temple * Conveying the Timber in floats to Joppa * Ancient Joppa * Building the Temple * Destruction of the Temple – Beginning of the Captivity * The Clay Grounds * The Mohammedan Mosque of Omar on the Site of the Temple * Tomb of Hiram, King of Tyre * Remains of the Temple, Jupitar Stator, Rome * The Appian Way * Ancient Catacombs, Rome * Roman Bridge across the Danube * St. Goar * Trent * Oberwessel * Hildesheim * Cathedral at Worms * Mayence * Salzburg * Rostock * Nuremberg * A traveling band of Masons in the Twelfth Century * Mounted Gauls * Ruins at Nismes * Ancient Roman Gateway * Caractacus and his wife before the Roman Emperor * Roman Squadron on the Coast of Britain * Roman Prisoner before a British Chief * Travel in England in the 4th Century * Remains of Ancient Chester * Druid Altars * Last of the Druids * Canterbury Cathedral * The Tower of London * Chichester Cathedral * An Old Street, London * St. Paul’s

ILLUSTRATIONS ~ VOLUME TWO: Remains of Melrose Abbey * A Relic left by Robert Burns * Holyrood Abbey * Singular Symbolic Seal of the Ancient Abbey of Arbroath * Amsterdam, the Montalbans Tower * The Three Globes, Berlin * Prison of the Inquisition, Barcelona * A Relic of East Indian Fantacism and Torture * St. John’s Hall, City of New York, 1760 * Tontine Tavern * The Old Masonic Hall, Broadway and Duane Streets * Masonic Temple, Philadelphia * Masonic Temple, Boston * Freeman’s Tavern, Morristown, N.J. – A Relic of the Revolution and of Free Masonry * Masonic Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio * An Old Trading Post and Lodge Room * Masonic Temple, Denver * The Great Cathedral, Mexico * Mexican Types * Marks of the Ancient Craftsmen * An Abraxas Stone, now in the British Museum * Tomb of Cyrus, King of Persia * Vaults under the Temple * Remains of Ecbatana, the Persian Capitol in the time of Cyrus * The Royal Arch of Heaven * Preaching the First Crusade * The Four Leaders of the First Crusade * Malta * Bagdad, A.D. 762 * Fortress and City of Allahabad * Egyptian Kings * Chichen Itza, Yucatan * House of Manco Capac, Peru

Masons, take note: this is an 1892 First Edition. This book is 131 years old.


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