Products Description
What is Angelica
100% Pure Natural Angelica Extract Organic Powder High Quality Herbal Extract For Improve Gastrointestinal Function
Angelica is mainly produced in GanSu province in China. Usually its excavation takes place early spring or late fall.

Angelica sinensis extract is a kind of plant extract used for tonifying blood and activating blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moistening intestines and defecating, blood deficiency wilting yellow, dizziness and palpitation, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, deficiency cold abdominal pain, intestinal dryness constipation, rheumatism arthralgia, falling attack injury, carbuncle, gangrene and sore.


1.Nourish kidney yang, replenish vital essence and blood,
moisten the bowels to relieve  constipation. 2.Enhance the immune system and promote body's  immunity. 3.Moisturize the intestine and relax the bowels.
4.Clears up the free radical and has anti-aging functions;
meanwhile it can prevent arteriosclerosis. 5.Relax the bowels and promote digestion. 6.Mutual function to glucocorticoid to adjust it to the needs of body. 7.Prevent gastric ulcer, inhibit gathering of blood
platelet and is effective to AIDS.

Active Ingredient: Artemisinolide
Latin name
Radix Angelicae Sinensis
Source of extraction
Proportional extract
light yellow powder
Test method
1.Used for treating muscle and joint pain, neuralgia, lumbar muscle strain, muscle rheumatism, arthritis. 2.Used for treating chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrheal and other gynecological illnesses.
