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SANKORE: THE PRIDE OF MUNSA MASA ENGLISCH - von Mandela Fernandez-Grandon, Fabio Lopiano, herausgegeben von Osprey Games

In Sankoré: The Pride of Mansa Musa, a dynamic, interactive, mid-weight Eurogame, 1-4 players manage the prestigious University of Sankoré in 14th-century Timbuktu, tasked by the emperor Mansa Musa with spreading knowledge throughout West Africa, even as the great university is raised around them.

By enrolling and graduating your pupils, teaching classes, adding to your curriculum, and filling the great library with books, you will advance knowledge in four main disciplines: theology, law, mathematics, and astronomy. Once construction of the university is complete, the value that the empire places on each discipline will dramatically affect how you score the knowledge you have passed on.

In a dedicated solo mode, you compete against the "Distinguished Scholar", a passionate and ambitious academic controlled by an elegant automated system. They may not be as nimble as you, but they are focused and driven and will strive to produce the best possible students.

Can you navigate the corridors of academic competition and bring renown to Mansa Musa's prized university?

Das Spiel ist gebraucht, aber in sehr gutem Zustand!

Spiel für 1-4 Spieler

Alter: ab 14 Jahren

Spieldauer: ca. 120-180 min.

Versandkosten: 5,00 als versichertes Paket. Das Spiel geht am nächsten Werktag nach Geldeingang raus.

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Marcel Plum

Bert-Brecht-Str. 62
65582 Diez
Tel. 06432-64269
