It is said that orgone is used to cleanse negative energy, and is the foundation of all life in the environment. In many cultures it is also known as "chi" or "prana", but the basic concept remains the same. What drives this planet is the element of life and all energy. 

Orgonite is based on two principles - it is a mixture of resin (organic) and metal shavings (inorganic). A crystal is also added, and it gives off a charge when it's put under pressure (resin shrinks when it is cured), so constant pressure is put on the crystal. Due to the fact that the elements contained in orgonite are constantly attracting and repelling energy, a "scrubbing" action takes place, along with the charge that the crystal gives off, this cleans stagnant and negative energy back to a healthy, vibrant state. Some believe that orgonite pyramids such as this attract wealth and positive energy. Whether this is actually the case, I don't know, I just think they're pretty! The size of this item is 5cm x 5cm x 5cm
(Pyramid 9)