Citadel of Pain III, Full Release

Thousands of years ago loyal armies were defeated by a new force never seen before, led by creatures driven by pleasure, torture, experimentation and genetic transmutation. Over the millennia this evil army has perfected its combat techniques and evolved into something greater. Its methods and objectives have always been highly questioned due to a lack of ethics. Thousands of surgically trained soldiers have modified their own bodies to improve themselves and to genetically transmute other creatures to make them more powerful or "beautiful". Their obsession with extreme aesthetics has led them to warp reality into the deepest darkness as well as the creation of new genetically modified races designed to satisfy extreme sexual pleasure. Lust demons are charged with leading troops into battle through promise and seduction. Now they are nothing more than dark beings who will not stop until they torture their enemy...

The full release of Immaterium God's Citadel of Pain III! The set includes 

Designed by the amazing artist at Immaterium God and includes modular ports which need construction.

3d printed at 32mm by default, but I'm more than happy to scale it to 28mm or your preference.

Printed in plant based resin and dispatched in biodegradable packaging.

As with all 3d prints I will make the utmost effort to remove all supports and minimise scarring before shipping, however some light sanding may be required and any excess supports can be removed with a sharp hobby knife.