The notes in this category are all used or more heavily used and may have defects such as creases, tears, edge damage, splices, stains, etc. exhibit. They are more likely to be sold as receipts. This category can be interesting for collectors who place less value on the preservation of the notes and only want to own the note as such. 

The bills won't detailed described but sold after the scan. You can find better-preserved notes in my other emergency money categories in the shop.

The notes in this category are all used or more heavily used and may have defects such as creases, tears, edge damage, splices, stains, etc. exhibit. They are more likely to be sold as receipts. This category can be interesting for collectors who place less value on the preservation of the notes and only want to own the note as such.  The bills won't detailed described but sold after the scan. You can find better-preserved notes in my other emergency money categories in the shop.