3ds Max 4 Magic von Sean Bonney
3ds Max 4 Magic
Sean Bonney

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Art Nr.: 0735710937

ISBN 13: 9780735710931

B-Nr: INF1000000022

SubTitle: A hands-on project book

ReleaseYear: 2001

Published by: New Riders Publishing

Edition: 2001

Cover: Softcover

Cover Format: 248x198x13

Pages: 336

Weight: 835 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Sean Bonney

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Sean Bonney

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3ds max Magic will follow the same project-based pedagogy that has made previous Magic titles a success. The primary goals are to present changes in functionality, best practices, and inspirational effects. Each project will be 10-15 pages in length and provide instruction as well as suggestions for enhancing or modifying the project/effect. Each page will be designed in a 3-column format with step-by-step instructions on the left and corresponding graphics (or code) in the middle. The third column will be used to provide additional tips and tricks.