Henry V von H. M. Hulme
Henry V
H. M. Hulme

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Art Nr.: 0582527236

ISBN 13: 9780582527232

B-Nr: INF1000001971

SubTitle: New Swan Shakespeare

ReleaseYear: 1986

Published by: Longman Group

Edition: 1/1998

Cover: Softcover

Cover Format: 184x124x16

Pages: 250

Weight: 259 g

Language: Englisch

Author: H. M. Hulme

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H. M. Hulme

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NEW SWAN SHAKESPEARE is aseries designed to help readers understand and enjoy Shakespeare's plays. It assumes no previous knowledge of the plays, flor of their historicalor Guttural background. Above all, the series presents each play für its own sake, as drama für the theatre.

The key features of NEW SW AN SHAKESPEARE are

- an introduction to the play which genuinely introducesrnit, covering plot, structure, the main characters, and language difficultiesrn
- straightforward support material, written in carefully controlled language to ensure that it can be easily unrlerstoodrn
- useful scene summariesrn
- easy-to-understand notes, positioned opposite therntext, providing clßar interpretations and paraphrases
- illustrations which assist in explaining contemporaryrnreferencesrn
- specimen examination questions and draft answers,rnideal für students preparing für public examinations