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      Thao Wessuwan He is the greatest god among the four Chatulokabans, the chief of the demons. He is the protector of Buddhism and the protector of the human world. Keep pushing away bad things from life. He is also the god of fortune and has enormous treasures.

      He has appeared in many religious beliefs. Whether it is the Kuvera of South India The Tibetan Buddha or the Chinese Wentian Wang Making him a deity who is revered in many countries.

     2 Appearances of Thao Wessuwan One thing that many people may not know is that Thao Wessuwan has 2 figures:

     Thao Wessuwan which has a giant body Standing holding a long baton and a crystal shield. There are hundreds of thousands of followers. Serve to maintain order and justice in heaven.

     Thao Wessuwan that appears in human form who is a pot-bellied man who is the god of wealth Be the king of money People believe that worshiping them will increase their luck. causing there to be no shortage of food to eat