Gute Schachbücher in englischer Sprache, hier aus dem Verlag Quality Chess:

"The Modern Benoni" by GM Marian Petrov

Im April 2019 in kartonierter Form erschienen, 272 Seiten, gute Erhaltung

The Modern Benoni arises after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6. It leads to unbalanced structures and exciting play, so it has naturally been a favourite of ambitious attacking players such as Tal, Fischer and, more recently, Topalov, Ivanchuk and Gashimov.

The Modern Benoni is a bold answer to 1.d4 and GM Marian Petrov shows it is possible to play this line confidently without memorizing extreme levels of theory. Black must certainly be well prepared, but the workload is less than for most aggressive defences - this book supplies all Black needs to know.

  • Expert guidance on an exciting counterattacking line
  • Fight against 1.d4 with a concise effective repertoire
  • Hundreds of novelties

Marian Petrov is a grandmaster and former Bulgarian Champion. He has great experience in the Modern Benoni and has used it to win many international events.




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