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"Play the Nimzo - Indian" by IM Edward Dearing

Verlag Everyman Chess 2006, 224 Seiten, sehr guter Zustand.

The Nimzo-Indian is one of Black's most universally popular and respectable answers to 1 d4. It could be said that no other opening allows Black to play for a win from such a sound positional basis, while its flexibility gives rise to a multitude of different positions rich in tactical and positional play. The list of Nimzo-Indian admirers runs like a who's who of the chess world: Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Vishy Anand, Anatoly Karpov and Michael Adams are just a handful of top Grandmasters who have utilised it with great effect.

With the Nimzo-Indian being such a fashionable opening, some Black players are put off by the possibility of having to learn a labyrinth of different variations. However, in Play the Nimzo-Indian Edward Dearing solves this problem by constructing a concise and workable repertoire for Black, offering a solution against each of White's tries, whether it's a critical main line or a tricky side variation. After reading this book, you will have the necessary knowledge and confidence to begin playing the Nimzo-Indian in your games.

004 Bibliography

005 Introduction

013 1 The Classical Nimzo: The Romanishin Variation

057 2 The Classical Nimzo: Preserving Tension with 5 a3

071 3 The Rubinstein Variation: The Romanishin-Psakhis System

112 4 The Rubinstein Variation: The Classical Fianchetto System

146 5 The Leningrad Variation

163 6 The 4 f3!? Variation

180 7 The Sämisch Variation

197 8 The Fianchetto Variation

209 9 4 Nf3: 'And now for something completely different...'

216 10 Early Deviations

221 Index of Complete Games

223 Index of Variations

IM Bernd Schneider löst eine Sammlung auf. Verschiedenste Bücher werden in den kommenden Monaten auf Ebay angeboten (Liste kann gerne angefordert werden). Schaut in meine weiteren Auktionen, vielleicht läßt sich Porto sparen .

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