"The Knight - The Cunning Cavalary" by GM Sergey Kasparov

Verlag Russell Enterprises, Milford 2019, 192 Seiten, Zustand: sehr gut erhalten. 

In his ground-breaking series, The Power of the Pieces , Belorussian grandmaster Sergey Kasparov examines the strengths, weaknesses and overall characteristics of each piece on the chessboard. This second volume in the series is about the knight. Its role in the opening, middlegame and endgame is discussed in detail, amply supported by almost 140 complete games from tournament praxis.

Topics include:

The Knight in the Endgame

The Knight in the French Defense

The Knight in the Rossolimo System

The Knight in the Benkö Gambit

The "Spanish" Knight

The Knight on the Attack

The Knight in Defense

The Cavalry Retreats

The Knight on an Outpost

A Knight on the Rim

The Kamikaze Knight

Knight versus Pawns

Knight versus Bishop

Knight against Rook.

Popular chess author Sergey Kasparov is known for his entertaining writing style. His books are always instructive and insightful. Books previously published include The Exchange Sacrifice, The Bishop: Danger on the Diagonal, A Cunning Chess Opening for Black, Steamrolling the Sicilian and Doubled Pawns .


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