18kt gold earring pair ear stud navratan gemstone stud of 9 Stones. This earrings is very powerful in many ways. Vedic Astrology - based earring meant to balance energy. One stone for each planet. Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Diamond, Cat's Eye, Coral, Yellow sapphire (Topaz), Blue Sapphire, & Hessonite or Gomedh. 

Size of top - 1.3/1.1 cm (0.51/0.43")
weight - 4.4 grams
material - Solid 18kt yellow.

In Indian tradition, the sacred gems relating to the nine planets are called The Nine Gems, or "navratna". Each of these gems has a traditional role to play in either strengthening or counteracting the power of its ruling planet.

It is found to be very effective for everybody irrespective of age, sex or profession. One can wear it without any horoscope consultation. Gems are considered to be the best for strengthening the positive influences of planets. They intensify the rays of the planets they represent. Each gemstone is specific to a certain planet and takes positive traits of that planet.

Given below is the brief information on the nine gems used:

YELLOW SAPPHIRE Pushkaraj (for Jupiter).
The wearer may expect wealth, good health, name, honour, better financial status and fame. This is normally light yellow in colour.

BLUE SAPPHIRE or Neelam (for Saturn)
Neelam removes evil effects of Saturn. Some astrologers believe that Blue Sapphire or Neelam is so powerful, it can alleviate even long-term misfortune. This is normally faint or dark blue in colour.

RUBY Manik (for Sun)
Ruby is said to give name, fame, vigor, virtue, warmth and the capacity to command to its user. This is normally red / pink in colour

EMERALD Panna (for Mercury)
Emerald improves faculties related to the brain such as memory, communication, intuition, the intellect, and the ability to learn. It is normally petal green or dark green in colour.

RED CORAL Praval or Moonga (for Mars)
It is said that Red Coral instills courage in its wearer. It also helps in curing blood -related diseases. It is normally red in color.

DIAMOND Heera (for Venus).
It is said that the one who wears a Diamond has a luxurious life. Diamond is also supposed to enhance the name, fame and artistic quality of the person..

HESSONITE Gomedh or Hessonite (for Rahu)
The shadow planet Rahu is supposed to be responsible for all sorts of delays or very late fulfillment of ambitions. Gomedh can help in achieving speedy success in less time than expected. This is normally reddish-chocolate in colour.

CAT'S EYE Lehsuniya (for Ketu)
This protects its wearer from hidden enemies, mysterious dangers and diseases. Cat's Eye is supposed to counter the evil effects of Ketu. It is normally milky in colour.

PEARL Mukta or Moti (for Moon)
One who possesses or wears a good pearl enjoys the blessings of Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity.

Very powerful! This earrings has been cleansed, energized and fully charged during a FULL Moon. Enjoy the many riches and FEEL the power of the EARTH!!!!!!
Note-All the items appear In Pictures larger than actual in size so please check measurements carefully before purchase.