Quit Drinking : The Best Ways to Be Healthy, Happy and Motivated Without Alcohol, Paperback by Hollister, Susan, ISBN 1978302193, ISBN-13 9781978302198, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Start Feeling Good Again!

Whether you want to (1) cut back on your drinking, (2) stop drinking entirely, or (3) learn how to be happy and healthy again, then keep reading as this book will easily teach you everything you need to know.

Plan for your success.Discover practical strategies, techniques, and lifestyle choices that will set you up for maximum success when reducing your alcohol intake for the next thirty days or longer. Whether you’ve decided you need to take a break from drinking or are wishing you could feel good like you used to, then you’ve come to the right place. In this book you will discover a rich treasure trove of resources and a host of practical tips and strategies to help you devise your own customized plan. Tailor your plan to address your specific circumstances and meet your personal needs.

Each week of the process will have its unique challenges. I will describe in detail what you can expect to encounter at each stage and give specific guidance to aid in successfully overcoming each challenge. I show you how you can care for yourself wisely during each step along the way. Discover how to take the edge off your cravings. Find ways to distract yourself and delay the urge to drink. Learn to painlessly socialize while alcohol-free. In short, learn to leverage your desires, fuel your motivation, and, in the process, uncover a new you. You may well find this the most interesting thirty days of your life!

Enjoy life, fully aware!

This is your opportunity to take a brief break – a short hiatus – from drinking. Call it an experiment in sobriety, if you will. It’s a new kind of adventure, a chance to explore a side of life you may have forgotten, and an opportunity to learn what you’re really made of.

Who knows? You may find yourself pleasantly surprised with sharper thinking, better relationships, more energy and increased concentration. Food will taste richer, your world will be filled with new fragrances, and you may even discover you actually enjoy living a sober life!

Watch your personality flower, without alcohol!

Learn how to prepare your body and mind for an alcohol purge. In not too long you will be astonished at the pleasant surprises your body has in store for you when you stop drinking. You may be amazed to discover that you’re still an interesting person, without filtering your personality through the haze of alcohol.

Alcohol affects the body in many ways; most of them harmful rather than helpful. An occasional drink can do the body good; however, the problem comes with drinking to excess. Considerable quantities of alcohol, drunk in a short period of time, can overwhelm your body’s ability to metabolize it. Discover exactly what happens when you drink; trace the chemical changes involved in metabolizing alcohol and see how it impacts each organ in your body. If you’re wondering how your body has been affected by your alcohol consumption over the years, you may be very shocked at all the bad side effects.

You’ll also be introduced to many supportive resources that will help you curtail your alcohol use. This includes non-professional groups, therapists and clinical programs, along with online resources to keep you fired up and on track.

What Will You Learn?You Will Also Discover:Be healthy, happy and motivated: Get this book now!