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Hassle Free Returns


  • Manufacturer
  • Model
    E-CLASS T-Model (S211) (03.03-07.09)
  • Modification
  • Year of production
  • Engine code
    OM 646.821
  • Fuel type
  • Steering position
  • Mileage
  • Gearbox type
    Automatic Transmission, 5-speed

Before making a purchase, we highly recommend that you verify with us, the seller, whether the specific car parts you are interested in are compatible with your vehicle. Mistakes in ordering can occur due to various reasons, including lack of knowledge or oversight.

To ensure the correct fit, our team can assist you in selecting the right spare part if you provide us with the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) code of your car. This allows us to precisely match the part to your vehicle, giving you peace of mind and avoiding any potential issues down the road. Your satisfaction and the proper functioning of your vehicle are our top priorities, so don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance in making the right choice.

Over the past 20+ years, Lesven OÜ has become a genuine specialist in the sale of Mercedes-Benz vehicle spare parts. Our inventory includes a broad selection of both original and B-category parts. Thanks to our extensive experience, we are consistently able to offer our clients the best possible solution, maintaining high quality with fair prices.

You can save up to 30% on shipping costs for each additional item you buy from our shop.

You can find the shipping costs on the item description page. There you will find shipping costs for the first and all subsequent items purchased. When purchasing multiple items, shipping costs are highest for the first item and lower for subsequent items.

When making a payment, make sure the delivery address is correct, because you will not be able to change it later.

Items are dispatched Monday through Friday.

Items won on weekends are dispatched on Mondays. We dispatch your items as soon as possible, but due to the many orders we receive, they could be dispatched within 2 workdays.

Delivery time estimates
Standard Shipping from outside the UK ranges from 5 to 10 working days.
Expedited shipping from outside the UK ranges from 1 to 5 working days.

Standard: 5 to 10 working days.
Expedited: 1 to 4 working days.

Standard: 5 to 10 working days.
Expedited: 1 to 4 working days.

Economy: 10 to 20 working days.
Expedited: 1 to 6 working days.

Buyers from the UK:
Due to Brexit, duties and taxes apply, so please provide your correct phone number and email address before completing your purchase so that customs and couriers can contact you.
Please check your email after the purchase for information on shipping and customs.
If your contact information is incorrect, your items will be returned to us. So please be sure to provide your valid phone number and email.

International buyers:
Import duties and taxes are not included in the price and shipping costs. Please check with your country's customs office before bidding or buying, as all extra charges are the buyer's responsibility. If goods are returned to us for any reason, you will have to cover return and reshipping charges.

We care about your satisfaction.

We offer high-quality items at a very good price, but if they do not meet your expectations, you have 60 days to return them. To return items, they must not have been used. In the event of damage to an item's original condition, it will be destroyed, and no refund will be issued.

For all returns, we must be notified in advance. Items should be returned within 60 days. We advise using registered mail because if items are lost, refunds will not be issued.

For items you are returning to pass customs, it is necessary to write an exact buying price and an exact description of each item you want to return. When filling out a return declaration form, be sure the data you enter is correct. If the data does not match the original invoice from your order, items will be returned to you.

All items you are returning should be sent from the same address where they were received, with the same buyer’s name. If there are mismatches, the items will not be cleared at customs, and we will not be able to issue a refund.

We can only refund the original cost of the item. All postage expenses are the buyers’ responsibility.

Your Responsibilities
All return expenses are covered by the buyer. The buyer is held responsible for items until they reach us. For this reason, it is best to use tracked delivery when returning. A refund will not be issued if items are stuck at customs or lost.

When we get the items back, a refund will be issued within 5 workdays.

To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click Send Message and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist.