Haunted Doll Neutral Spirit Candace 10.

I found Candace at a thrift store hiding behind a bunch of other dolls. That fits as she is very shy and quite antisocial. It took her a few weeks to open up to me. People seem to really bother her. When asking her name she kept saying "Candy cane" this was her nickname. She likes to be called candy cane but her true name is Candace. She showed me an image of her passing where she was covered in frost. Her and her family were outside and passed from hypothermia. I believe she was on only child. I believe she will open up and have fun with the right person. It really could be that she just doesn't vibe with me. She's active with all paranormal tools. Especially when she's upset. She can get upset and make the tools go off like crazy when she's done taking. So if she starts showing a lot of activity ask her if that's because she wants to stop, rest, and recharge.

TikTok: xparanormalplaygroundx

eBay states that I must say that this is for entertainment purposes only. I'm selling a tangible item not an experience.