What is Magneto Therapy Machine

Magnetic therapy is a type of physical therapy during which the body is exposed to a low frequency magnetic field.

Cells and colloidal systems in the body contain ions that can be affected by magnetic forces. When the tissue is exposed to pulsed magnetic fields, weak electrical current is induced activating all cells that are exposed to it.

As a result of sickness, the surface potential of the cells varies when compared to healthy cells.

Tissue treated with the help of an magnetic field with suitably selected biotropic parameters, results in the increased activity of the cell?s surface, further increasing its membrane potential, eventually resulting in the balancing of the intracellular potential.

?Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on tissue:

  1. By improving the permeability of the cellular membrane, it affects cell metabolism and allows for quicker absorption of swelling (antiedematous effect). It helps in healing bone fractures as well as open wounds of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (anti-inflammatory effect) for both acute and chronic inflammations.

  2. A pulsed magnetic field reduces the transmission of painful sensations from the nerve endings to the central nervous systems, further reducing pain (acting as a pain-killer).

  3. Within a couple minutes, it expands blood vessels in the affected area and improves the circulation of blood (visodilating effect).

  4. Relieves stress in the musculoskeletal system (myorelaxation effect).

  5. Strengthens the immune system (regenerating and detox effect).

  6. Harmonizes a vegetative nervous system.

Magnetic therapy is not addictive and has no known side-effects. The patient does not experience any negative sensations during treatment. Magnetic field pulses penetrate evenly across body tissue so the patient does not need to take off any clothes. It can also penetrate through plaster casts. Metal implants are not an obstruction either as in modern usage, they are no longer ferromagnetic in nature. ? ?

Magnetic Field Therapy for Low Back Pain

Very few people go through life without having to deal with low back pain and many will endure debilitating low back pain for years. Our unique patented Quadrapolar, Hexapolar &Octapolar magnetic field therapy has helped ?thousands of people get back on their feet! Read this article to learn how q Magnets may provide a simple, ?inexpensive and effective treatment option.

How does magnetotherapy help patients?

?Magnetoherapy has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edema and regenerative effects. In addition, osteogenetic effects and therefore acceleration of bone healing are mentioned among the biological effects of the magnetic field. Magnetotherapy devices are used in hospitals, doctor?s offices, clinics, rehabilitation centers and many other health care facilities. It brings relief to patients by supporting wound healing and tissue regeneration. The effect of magnetotherapy on the body is based on the use of pulses with a frequency and intensity adapted to the individual needs of the patient. ? ?The positive effect of magnetotherapy on soft tissues and bone tissue is used in the pain relief therapy and acceleration of healing process after orthopedic treatment procedures and surgeries. This means that low-frequency magnetic field therapy is an effective and non-invasive method of patient rehabilitation. Applied in the case of degenerative diseases, it is able to inhibit the degenerative process that is taking place in them.

Physio Magneto PM-ST


 Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Super Transduction

Oscillation Frequency

 Max 3000HZ

Field Strength at the coil


Field strength at 4CM  distance


Performance of the field 



 100-240V 50/60HZ

water cooling system

  water 2.5L

Package alu box and carton


Gross Weight 



Magneto transduction ,Magneto therapy ,Electromagneto therapy ,Magnetolith ,Magnetic therapy ,EMTT,Megnetotherapy