Experience the magic of the classic movie Mrs Henderson Presents, a timeless comedy-drama that follows the story of a wealthy widow who purchases an abandoned theatre in London and decides to put on nude revues. Starring an incredible cast that includes Christopher Guest, Bob Hoskins, Ricky Gervais, Will Young, Thelma Barlow, and Judi Dench, this movie is a must-see for fans of the genre.

This DVD version of Mrs Henderson Presents is a brand-new, sealed copy that comes with free UK postage. With a run time of 99 minutes and an aspect ratio of 2.35 Anamorphic Wide Screen, this film promises to deliver an unforgettable experience. The features include Widescreen, Closed Caption, Making of Documentary, Production Photography, Directors Commentary, Theatrical Trailer, and Tv Spots. Don't miss out on this opportunity to add a classic to your collection!