Fixed Broadband Wireless Communications: Principles and Practical Application... von Douglas H. Morais
Fixed Broadband Wireless Communications: Principles and Practical Application...
Douglas H. Morais

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Art Nr.: 013009367X

ISBN 13: 9780130093677

B-Nr: INF1000035525

SubTitle: Principles and Practical Applications

ReleaseYear: 2004

Published by: Prentice Hall Computer

Cover: Gebundene Ausgabe

Cover Format: 244x187x30 mm

Pages: 359

Weight: 907 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Douglas H. Morais

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Mehr zum Thema


The complete guide to fixed broadband wireless technologiesDigital modulation, microwave propagation and real-world performance optimizationPoint-to-point, point-to-multipoint and mesh approaches in licensed and unlicensed bandsJust enough theory and mathematics accompanied by insightful examplesFixed broadband wireless: New multi-megabit long-haul to last mile solutionsFixed broadband wireless systems give service providers and enterprises flexible, cost-effective ways to deliver, from long-haul to last-mile, voice and Internet/data services at multi-megabit rates. Now, wireless infrastructure consultant Dr. Douglas Morais systematically introduces, with the aid of insightful examples, fixed broadband wireless for working professionals: its principles, design techniques, emerging standards, practical applications, and state-of-the-art commercial systems.