Love Must Be Tough: New Hope for Families in Crisis - PaperBack - Acceptable

Love Must Be Tough - New Hope For Families In Crisis Paperback – January 1, 1983

Acceptable...Been stored 40yrs...but spent the last year outdoors sitting in a covered patio area!...has small moisture spots from just being outdoors...but perfectly legible!

The Pics are of the exact book im shipping....not a facsimile or stock pics with a claim the books ok...
plus i know the book's over 4 bucks to ship with tracking...then ebay gets a the 3 buck 4 or even the 5buck guys gotta be shipping by stamp licking...they have no clue if anything arrives or when itll sense in gambling on a shipment on the promise its cheap...have it never show up...then start the arguments with the seller then ebay to get your money back...too much of a pain-in-the-***!....i track everything sold...if you buy something make sure you know when its supposed to be at your front door!!

Boasting more than one million copies of his works sold, conservative radio personality Dr. James C. Dobson squarely addresses the problem of troubled marriages. He targets infidelity, alcoholism, spousal abuse, and emotional distance as the primary causes of divorce. Dobson also chooses to denounce homosexuality as an abomination. With his groundbreaking theory of "loving toughness", he offers a path toward solving marital problems, building family values, and rekindling lost romance.

Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2010
I was going through a terrible time in my marriage and my wife had left me and I did not know what to do. My wife said that she did not love me anymore and she did not think she could ever love me again. I was desperate and had tried everything imaginable to save my marriage. I read every e-book online and spent lots of money on so-called experts and prayed and pleaded with God to do anything to save my marriage. Then, as a last ditch effort, I purchased a used copy of this nearly 20-year-old book. After reading this book and applying the advice given by Dr. James Dobson, my marriage turned around completely. Within a week of reading this book my wife had moved back with me and we were once again working on the marriage. It is a practical and effective book with tried and true wisdom that goes to the heart of the matter with your marriage. If you feel like you have tried everything or even if you have not tried everything but are desperate to save your marriage, do not waste one more moment and buy this book. I have absolutely no financial incentive to encourage you to buy this book. I do not know the author personally or otherwise and my only interest is passing along the great benefit I have received in reading this book. The advice will be counter-intuitive to what you may be thinking but trust the advice and apply it in your marriage and watch as things begin to change. I was amazed at how quickly I started to see results. When I first got the book I was a little skeptical because it was published nearly 20 years ago and I doubted whether or not it would be relevant. Dr. James Dobson is not perfect and I do not agree with all of his political/religious views on everything, but with respect to marriage and the advice he gives on the marriage relationship in this book, I could not endorse his views more. The reason it is so effective is because it gives the "desperate" spouse confidence and self-respect once again. It helps you get your head on straight and put things in perspective. Without confidence and respect for yourself, your spouse will not want to come back. Dr. Dobson walks you through the steps necessary to get your head on straight and give you the strength to handle whatever may come your way. That is the only way to get a spouse back who has lost respect for you and does not love you anymore. The book is cheap and the risk is low and you owe it to yourself and to your marriage to give it a try. Dr. Dobson does not guarantee results and I am not trying to offer any guarantee either. I can only tell you my experience with this book and as I write this, my wife is happily sleeping next to me on our bed. A few months ago I never would have imagined my wife and I would be together again but this book showed me a way to regain control of my life and my mind and my wife responded and we are now together. I pray that you find what you are looking for and I strongly believe that this book can be a catalyst towards enacting a positive change in your life and in your marriage.
Reviewed in the United States on December 23, 2023
Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2012
When we were both teenagers, I remember my friend Vanessa used to tell me why she had a lot of boyfriends. It was because she hated the fact that after a few dates they would fall in love with her, and begin the "clingy" process of being: overprotective, jealous, whinny, too affectionate, and include 24/7 phone calls (in those it would probably be texts). She hated the fact that they were no longer a "challenge", and would then break up with them. Everyone loves the "popular" uninterested guy, or girl until they become that "clingy" person Vanessa would describe to me. That is one of the main ideas I took from reading this book. It was awesome advise I have never heard before, but makes so much sense.

Who does the unfaithful spouse go after? The sexy, independent guy/girl that plays hard to get, or the one calling him/her every ten seconds wanting attention (you know like "Fatal Attraction")? This book is just so clear. In speaking to my teenage daughter about boys I made this point plain and simple, as well: How do dogs act when they want your attention? They go crazy wagging their tail running all over the place, some jump on you, some scratch doors, windows, or any type of wall that gets in the way of you and them, some whimper, howl, or bark when they CAN'T get your attention, etc.. I said, "When you find yourself doing any of these characteristics, you have lost respect for yourself, and everything that comes with that action, including humiliating yourself." Who is attracted to that? Nope, not even the spouse that promised to be with you for the rest of his/her life. So, if you want more on this subject, definately buy this book. (Again, this is what I took out of the book).
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