Kadokawa Haiku Library New Edition Introduction to Actual Haiku Japanese BOOK


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Product description
Contents (from the "BOOK" database)
Based on a wealth of examples, we will clearly teach you how to improve your haiku.
Brief biography of the author (from "Book author introduction information")
Born in 1926 in Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture. At the age of 16, he studied haiku under Shuoko Mizuhara. 1949 (1949), "Masuigi" doujin. Later, after Hago Ishida, he became the editor-in-chief of "Masuigi". In 1964, he founded and presides over Taka. Served as a member of the selection committee for the Jakutsu Prize and the Haiku Research Award. In charge of the NHK culture course. Sunset on April 15, 2005. 79 years old. Received Shika Literature Museum Award for haiku collection "Kagura" (This data was published at the time this book was published)
