EGGPLANT Casper 75 seeds White heirloom vegetable (Solanum melongena) 

Fruit has smooth ivory coloured skin and white flesh growing to around 16cm by 8cm. Mild mushroom like flavour and silky texture. Commonly used in stews, sauces, baked, fried, stuffed and grilled. Early maturing. Eggplant is also known as "Aubergine".

 Method                 Sow direct or raise seedlings

Sowing Depth 5mm

Season                 Spring or after frost

Germination          7-14 days at 24-32°C

 Life Cycle          Frost tender Perennial (grown as an annual in cool climates)

Row Spacing          100cm

Plant Spacing  80cm

Plant Height           90cm

Position                    Full sun, moist well drained soil

Days Until Maturity 70 days

*Notes: Plants may need staking. Picking regularly encourages more fruit. Can be grown as a perennial in warm climates.