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Special: Now, take $3 off each additional winning purchase that ships together and as an added bonus, also get $3 off the first item as well with multiple purchases. See chart for examples of discount applied.
1 winning purchase - no discount
2 winning purchases - $6 discount
3 winning purchases - $9 discount
4 winning purchases - $12 discount

NOTE: Waiting for additional auctions to finish so that you can take advantage of the discounts is perfectly fine. Just let me know so I don't ship out your books before the last auction ends.

  • Creeps 2020 Annual Spooktacular - Cover by Frank Frazetta. The Creeps 2020 Spooktacular recreates the iconic Warren horror annuals popular in the 1970's by emulating Warren's early page layouts. This Annual collects the best stories from the early years of The Creeps magazine in a perfect bound collector's edition. Each issue of The Creeps is a highly collectible instant classic! 66 pages, B&W. Cover price $9.95. 
Check out my other items for sale.