Circle TitleDream Floating Bridge
Circle NameWhen the ox is three
Writer 1Nagi
Writer 2
Writer 3
Writer 4
Writer 5
GenreJujutsu Kaisen
Main Character1Gojo Satoru
Main Character 2Xia You Jie
Main Character 3
Main Character 4
Main Character 5
Date of issue2022/03/21
TypeDoujinshi - Manga
SizeB5 / 58p
First published event2022/03/21 Demon 10
Series (Doujin)
CommentIt's a story of love and curse by the

ephemeral Natsuyu, who falls in love with Gojo like a god. The monologual-like element has intensified, where Natsuyu looks back on her imaginary landscape from her childhood to after her rebellion. ※Note※Criminal depiction of Natsuyu's classmate (with face) /impersonation/character
Product Introduction

Helplessness, emptiness, sorrow, loneliness,
money is needed to buy things, life that has returned to earth nurtures a new life, the serenity before the hustle and bustle of the city, celestial curse before the hustle and bustle of the city, the world is cursed, something has been lost, and on the other side of happiness, there is always something lost, and on the other side of happiness, everyone who has misfortune awaits them lives desperately to get back what they have lost
A new publication of “Yōgen 10,” presented by the
circle [Mitsutoki Ox], which hated the rag world that treated vomit, is now available, [Jujutsu Kaisen], Gojo Satoru x Natsuyu Master's book “Dream Ukihashi.”
This work is a story of love and curse by the ephemeral Natsuyu, who falls in love with Gojo like a god.
It's a serious story with strong monologue elements,
where Natsuyu looks back on her mental landscape from her childhood to after her rebellion.
Please take your time and enjoy this gem, which
is captivating with its profound psychological depiction and unique view of the world.