I'll get you the new, amazing Title Seal for Destiny 2, GODSLAYER

I can play on any class, and I do not need any specific weapons to complete it.

Not only will you get the Godslayer seal, but you will also get all 4 emblems that come with the Pantheon activity!

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.

All 4 emblems are in the photos of this listing, along with the logo of the Godslayer seal!

Once purchased, message me what Country you reside in so that I can use my VPN to say I am there, and send me your steam details through as a message on here with 2FA turned off so I can do it without you needing to be awake.

I will message you when I am about to get on, when I do get on, what loot you get, and when I get off.