Freight Train Side View Picture Book for N Scale Ikaros Mook Japanese BOOK


Welcome to my auction for the item Freight Train Side View Picture Book for N Scale Ikaros Mook Japanese BOOK!


N gauge model railroad freight train side view Railway; model railroad; freight train; train; JR

Freight trains consist of tractors, wagons, and containers to be loaded on them, and there are an infinite number of combinations.
The high degree of freedom is what makes freight trains interesting, but at the same time it is also true that it makes freight trains difficult to understand.
Freight trains are a popular genre even in N gauge, and many have been commercialized.
However, there are almost no fixed formations in actual freight trains, and there are basically no rules for formations.
Therefore, not only beginners of freight trains, but also enthusiasts who have some knowledge about freight trains are at a loss as to how to connect the model to the front.
In order to realistically reproduce a freight train in a model, a set-up photograph of the actual train is indispensable.
By introducing beautiful side-view photographs of freight train formations at a certain time and place, this magazine provides direct information on how freight trains should be connected and loaded.
Of course, it can also be used as a reference for weathering.
The description also includes actual freight trains, and will satisfy not only N gauge fans but also fans of actual trains.


freight train basics
Modern Freight Trains/Let's Learn About Freight Cars/Types of Freight Cars/Know Container Freight Cars/Container Freight Car Tie Laws/Know Containers/JR Freight Locomotives/Freight Train Chasing/Weathering Points

freight train side view
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